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Do I need a landing page to create ads with AI?

Do I need a landing page to create ads with AI?

Yes and no

A landing page or website URL is only required for certain types of ads, below you can check both options.

While we pull in information from your landing page URL to generate your ads, the ChatGPT prompt section is the most important for generating your ad text, targeting, and overall ad campaign with AI.

1. When you DON’T need a landing page:
If you are creating ads that don’t direct to a landing page when the ad is clicked:
Facebook/Instagram Lead Ads
Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram Messenger Ads
Google Call Ads
YouTube Discovery Ads

2. When you DO need a landing page.
If you are creating ads that do direct to a landing page when the ad is clicked:
Facebook/Instagram Traffic or Conversion Ads
Google Search Ads
Google Display Ads
TikTok Ads
LinkedIn Ads
Snapchat Ads
YouTube in Stream Ads

Why do I always have to add a Landing page URL when generating my ads?
We mainly ask for a website to help generate relevant ad copy and targeting with AI (very important for a healthy Click through rate).

Even for ad types that don’t point to a landing page, sometimes when creating the ad, these platforms still require a landing page url to verify your brand or products. For example, for Facebook Lead Ads, we use your landing page url to automatically fill out the form when you create a lead form. It's required by Facebook to have a website url in the form.

What if I don’t have a landing page?
If you are creating any of these ads and you don’t have a landing page…
Facebook/Instagram Lead Ads
Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram Messenger Ads
Google Call Ads

You could use your Facebook business page URL, PDF link, Linktree, Instagram profile, Google Business Page, or any other social media channel links that you have.

For any of these ads, you should create a landing page because that’s where people will go when they click on your ad. You could have the best ad in the world but if your landing page isn’t the best then our marketing won’t perform. There are many website builders you could use that will provide you a landing for your customers.

To get your account to help you run ads with our ChatGPT powered AI Ad platform please visit

Updated on: 11/10/2023

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